created by... Glenn Freedman

Collage Art

Collages-Traveling Through Time...

My collage creations are inspired by the multitude of the great collage and mixed media artists from the Dada, Surrealist and Constructivist movements.

Mission Statement

My goal is to expose collage and other forms of mixed media to those who can appreciate the beauty of randomly assembled objects not originally intended to be paired together.

The Story Behind Glenn Freedman Collage Art

I have always been a collector—I am drawn to objects such as antique watches, old books, vintage photos, and other historical memorabilia. Perhaps it is because I seek a connection with both personal and collective histories through the tangible remains of both.

These discarded bits and pieces of daily life are the forms and textures that inform my exploration of the past, present, and future. It is through my collages that I get to delve into these themes.

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